
Service Modularity in the Finagle Framework

5 minute read Published:

Using Modules to compose services.
Motivation Typical examples of dependency Injection DI show that the decoupling gained from removing glue code provides better testability, separation of concerns, and readability. Building applications by glueing resources together the manual way is OK, but not preferred when services need to be adapted in many ways. Dependency Injection (DI) can make your application more resilient to changes, and bring additional configurability to your project. Finagle, uses the Guice library as it’s foundation for building modules.

Server Flags with Twitter Finagle

3 minute read Published:

Program Switches (Flags) in Finagle Applications with Scala
This Example In this example, we setup and run an HTTP Service with Scala and SBT. We’ll cover the configuration of our services with the FinagleFlags API. If this is your first time seeing Finagle, then I would suggest you take a look at the Finagle intro document which describes how to code and run a simple HTTP service. Build with SBT This example, and others like it will rely on a quick and simple build tool.

Getting started with Filters in Finagle

4 minute read Published:

Finagle lets you develop and deploy services easily.
What is Finagle In this example, we will go through the steps to deploy a Filtered HTTP Service with Scala and SBT. Finagle is an extensible RPC system for the JVM, that lets developers write non-blocking, high-concurrency services with ease. Much of what Finagle will let us do is summarized in the doc. Finagle implements uniform client and server APIs for several protocols, and is designed for high performance and concurrency.