
Modeling a chat application message structure with Kotlin and Cassandra

7 minute read Published:

A little implementation for cassandra backed messages, users, and app metadata
This Application Needs Data This sort of application will provide data seek and storage access by implementing the chat messages and chat services interfaces in order to compoase a Cassandra-based data-backend to our application. We will use Reactive extensions to make maximum flexability of program flow-control and threading behaviour among other concerns.. Thinking of Data Shape This part of the tutorial will focus on chat topicMessage data shaping, and access/retrieve operations that espouse the Cassandra design techniques.

Testing Reactive Apps with SpringBoot

13 minute read Published:

Use Spring-boot 2.x to verify test stages of your WebFlux and Reactive Data Apps
The Producer Environment In the world of testing critical business funcationality, we dont need much inspiration to get the job done. However, when it comes to what to use, you may be left wandering whether you’ll hit all of the right frameworks and tools to validate your business code. Also likely, you’ll also need to figure out how to cross validate a producer app with a consumer app(s) that you may not even own!

Testing Reactive Apps with SpringBoot - The Consumer

7 minute read Published:

Use Spring-boot 2.x to verify test stages of your WebFlux and Reactive Data Apps
The Producer/Consumer exchange In the producer side, we setup a service that will let us query a database of teams. This article will focus on the consumer side of the communication chain - namely how to extract tests out of situations where the comunication chain is asymetrical. We will then dive into Spring Cloud Contract to aleviate this issue and produce a working producer/consumer contract. To start, we’ll need a data object for client state.

Configuring Authorization with Reactive Spring Security 5

3 minute read Published:

It takes just a few minutes to bring a compromised system to it's knees. Help fight this by securing your application with Spring Security
Configuring Authorization against a Webflux App Effective security can insulate our applications from ill effects of malicious, and accidental intent in many aspects of programming. Things like network security can only go so far in isolating harm to distributed computing applications. Prevent malicious hackers from gaining access to your systems by ensuring the tools meet the standards for your appcation. Spring Security WebFlux is the framework that lets us declare security constructs to our ordinary WebFluxapplications.

Spring Reactive WebSocket Hot Publisher

2 minute read Published:

Web-Socket that utilizes the Reactive Hot-Publisher pattern.
This Demo This is the multi-casting Flux variation of the standard WebSocket Service seen here WebSocket Server Spring’s reactive [WebSocket] API is a part of Spring 5’s WebFlux API which bring reactive flow control to our projects via project reactor. We will introduce a single WebSocket handler, and show whats needed to get started using Spring’s WebSocketServer support. You’ll want to start a new Spring project using start.spring.io[this link] to autogenerate a maven based POM.

Spring Reactive WebSocket Cold Publisher

3 minute read Published:

Web-Socket that utilizes the Reactive Cold-Publisher pattern.
This Demo This demo will stand up Spring application service that exposes a WebSocket service through the Spring 5’s reactive WebSockets API. Typically, for inter-service comms, use a more traditional messaging system to deliver and expect events between services for example - messaging brokers such as Kafka, RabbitMq, etc.. WebSockets is an IETF standard and W3C API that provides a convenient way to issue and consume data streams across the Internet.